Choose Trees The Tree Growers Tool Kit helps people to choose the right trees for their lifestyle. We're developing a set of multi-media resources for tree growers and field workers.  

Choosing the Right Trees

The Tree Growers Tool Kit helps people to choose the right trees for their lifestyle. We're developing a set of multi-media resources for tree growers and field workers. First, have a look at what's currently available for viewing and downloading (see below). Then, click on the "Read More" buttons to find out more.

TGTK_Why_plant_treesThe Tree Growers Tool Kit currently contains pamphlets, awareness audio & video,  slideshow presentations, posters, research papers and project reports that help farmers & field workers to answer the following questions:

  • Can trees help me?

  • Don't trees take up too much space?

  • Don't trees grow too slowly?

  • Can trees help everyone?


TGTK_Are_you_ready_2The Tree Growers Tool Kit currently contains pamphlets, awareness video, slideshow presentations, research papers and project reports that help farmers & field workers to answer the following questions:

  • What resources do I need to grow trees?

  • Who can make it easy (or difficult) for me to grow trees?

  • How can trees support my plans for the future?

  • Am I ready to plant trees?


TGTK_Which_trees_3The Tree Growers Tool Kit currently contains pamphlets, posters, a tree selection pack and research publications that help farmers & field workers answer the following questions:

  • Which trees can help me?

  • Which trees can grow on my land?

  • Which trees suit my surroundings?

  • Which trees shall I plant?