Painim Graun The Landowner Awareness Kit assists the PNG Forest Authority to identify landowners and landowner group who are ready to plant trees on their land.      

LAP_Register_with_PGPDThe Landowner Awareness Kit contains an introductory pamphlet and registration form that invites interested landowners to:

  • Tell us about yourself?

  • Tell us about your trees?

  • Tell us about the help you have received?

  • Tell us how we can communicate with you?



This A5 Introductory Pamphlet is written in simple English with Tok-Pisin Illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet (folded to A5):


PDF Questionnaire:

The PDF Registration Form for Tree Growers comprising 46 open-ended questions with text/tick boxes for field workers to complete on A4 paper:


Kobo Collect Questionnaire:

The Kobo Collect Registration Form for Tree Growers comprising 46 open-ended questions with text/tick boxes for field workers to complete on their Android mobile phone or tablet using the Kobo Collect application:


Online Gateway:

The Operation PGPD Online Gateway supports reforestation planning, decision-making and service delivery at all levels by allowing approved forestry stakeholders to view and analyse the landowner baseline data with reference to tables, charts and maps: .


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