Painim Graun The Landowner Awareness Kit assists the PNG Forest Authority to identify landowners and landowner group who are ready to plant trees on their land.      

LAP_why_plant_treesThe Landowner Awareness Kit contains videos, pamphlets and slideshow presentations that help people to answer the following questions:

  • What resources do I need to grow trees?

  • Who can make it easy (or difficult) for me to grow trees?

  • How can trees support my plans for the future?

  • Am I ready to plant trees?



Three minute MP3 Awareness Audio in Tok-Pisin for radio broadcasting, and also playing to target groups on laptop, tablet or mobile device:



A5 Awareness Sheet in simple English with Tok-Pisin Illustrations for double-sided printing on single A4 sheet (folded to A5):



PDF and PPT Awareness Presentationscomprising 47 slides in simple English with Tok-Pisin illustrations for desk-top printing and viewing on laptop, tablet or mobile device:



These PDF Awareness Posters are written in simple English with Tok-Pisin Illustrations for printing on single A4 sheet:



This 4 minute Awareness Video is presented in simple English with Tok-Pisin illustrations. Click here to download.


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